Luma Blog

Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

It isn’t all About Sex: How to Build Intimacy

Often, we overthink because it seems like we aren’t having enough sex. We “should” be doing this or we “should” be doing that. WELL, let’s throw that out the window because there are a billion ways to connect and build intimacy that don’t even involve being naked. Let’s be gentle with ourselves, slow down, and tune into those intimate moments.

Here's 17 ways to get started

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

F*** I Hate Winter

Okay yes, lots of us hate winter. Or at least, start to feel really down when the weather starts changing and the snow seems like it’s here to stay. It seems like everyone in Winnipeg gets affected by seasonal affective depression, and vitamin D companies start making bank.

Sooooo, I decided to make this list to help you get through those initial winter blues.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

Romancing Yourself

We often get caught up in the idea of waiting for someone to come along and make our life magical, make it romantic. “If only I had someone to do fun activities with”. But the truth is that learning to have fun by yourself is a fricken game changer. I’m not saying you can’t also want to do stuff with someone else, but slowly starting to do stuff by yourself is huge.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

I Feel Off…Now What?

It’s hard being in a place of discomfort. Sometimes that means realizing that we are “feeling the feelings” even when we don’t want to. Sometimes they creep up, even when we didn’t give them permission to do so. 

So, maybe you’re wondering what you can do about it. Try these three steps next time you’re feeling off. Remember, it’s not about being perfect—it’s about coming at it from a place of self-compassion.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

I Just Can’t F***ing Sleep!

When we can’t sleep, everything else feels way worse. Our bodies are on edge, so we are on edge. Stuff that doesn’t normally bother you starts to bother you a lot.

So, what can you even do about it? Well, there are a lot of things that can help you sleep better, but you have to be willing to actually try them. That can be annoying, especially when you’re already in a bad mood, you know, from not sleeping.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

Self-Soothing After a Breakup

Yeah, breakups feel horrible and really hard—in fact, that is probably an understatement. It feels like you’re ripping someone out of your life who is intertwined in your DNA or something… or some other cheesy metaphor that I can’t think of right now.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

What do I Even like Though?

Creating space to explore and learn about yourself is so worth it. Often, we get so caught up in the business of our day-to-day lives, that we forget to take a step back and have fun, take a pause, notice what we actually like and what we actually enjoy. (You know, the mindfulness part of things! :p)

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

Teach me about Sexting!

Okay first of all, what even is sexting? It’s sending messages to someone in a way that is “a blend of sex and texting” and can be done by simply using words or can include photos and videos. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with, but it’s also important to make sure that everyone involved is giving consent. Remember, it’s supposed to be fun and you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to!

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

How do I find a Therapist?

Finding a therapist can be a daunting task. It’s a little intimidating to try and find someone who feels like a good fit and who can help you work through the things that are stressing you out (especially when you’re already stressed).

First of all, just take a minute to appreciate that you are trying to find a therapist. That is huge. That is hard by itself and takes courage to do.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

3 Ways to Improve your Relationship this Week.

Navigating relationships can be tricky. Here are a few tips to help improve your relationships this week.

These are things you and your partner(s) could try out this week to help improve communication and foster connection. These strategies are great for romantic relationships, but they can also be used for friend relationships or adapted to do with your entire family.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

What is Sexual Agency?

Sexual agency is learning to be comfortable with your sexual self.

Really, it’s a lot of things. So I wrote this post to help you get started.

Unfortunately, empowering sex education that teaches us about more than just “condoms on bananas” or “abstinence is key” isn’t something that a lot of us have had access to. This can leave us feeling confused when trying to build skills in sex related areas. That’s where sexual agency can help.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

How do I Build Resilience?

First of all, what really is resilience?

Resilience is the ability to overcome obstacles and to achieve positive outcomes even after experiencing extreme difficulties. Resilience strategies are used to increase and maintain it. In this post, I’ll go over some strategies to help you get started.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

Getting Started with Self-Compassion

Self-compassion isn’t always easy, but it is important.

Did you know that it is easier to change when coming from a place of self-compassion rather than self-criticism? It can be hard to move from a place of self-criticism to self-compassion so I compiled these strategies to help you get started.

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Tori Myskiw Tori Myskiw

5 Tips for Better Sleep

Ever wonder how you can sleep better?

Sleep is an important part of self-care, it affects your mood, your body, and your brain function.

Sometimes it can be stressful thinking about where to start when hoping to get a better sleep. So here is a helpful guide to get started with some easy tips you can start today.

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