What do I Even like Though?

Photo by pouriya kafaei on Unsplash

Creating space to explore and learn about yourself is so worth it. Often, we get so caught up in the business of our day-to-day lives, that we forget to take a step back and have fun, take a pause, notice what we actually like and what we actually enjoy. (You know, the mindfulness part of things! :p)

To get started write a list in your phone called “Things you like” and note down things you already know that you like.

As you try new things, and like them, add them to the list! When you aren’t feeling like yourself or need a reminder, you can consult the list. This is helpful because it’s training your brain to be mindful of the things that you like and reminding you to take a pause and actually enjoy them.

I’ll help you get started!

What small things bring you joy or make you smile?

It could be: going to the gym, walks outside, a nice latte, a cup of tea, honey on toast, weight lifting, yoga, being silly, laughing, watching comedies, making people laugh, cuddling your pet, playing with your kid, dressing up, wearing pyjamas, trying a new recipe, dancing, playing board games, reading a mystery, watching your favourite show, listening to the rain, driving at night, taking road trips, going to the beach, lying in the sun, creating art, listening to your favourite song, singing in the shower, rollerblading... the list goes on!

Take a second and write down three small things in your phone that bring you joy.

What things help you feel good when you touch yourself?

Okay, yeah, this topic is a little more taboo, but it’s a part of discovering yourself. And hey, there’s always more to learn (even on the topic of your body).

Maybe you like: reading sexy stories, porn, audio porn, feminist porn, using toys (vibrators, butt plugs), using your hands to touch different areas of your body (your neck, your nipples, your sides, your stomach, your thighs), sensual meditations… other things that come to mind.

Write down two things you like.

What things make you cognitively stimulated?

Are there things that you get excited to learn about? Specific topics? What are they? Are there specific ways you like to learn? Maybe you like: reading books, research, documentaries, articles, talking to people about your passion, analyzing different systems in our society, listening to podcasts, or something else.

Think of two topics you like learning or talking about, and write them down on your phone list.

What makes you feel emotionally comforted?

It could be physical items: a cozy blanket, someone rubbing your head, music, a hug, a cup of tea, a certain scent or candle, cuddling your pet, backrubs, a soft sweater, a warm bath, your couch, your bed, a particular shirt, fuzzy slippers, another favourite item.

It could be: talking to a friend, journaling, someone’s smile, reading affirmations, reminding yourself it’s okay to feel your feelings, belly breathing.

Add three to your list.

Don’t forget.

It’s important to keep playing, to keep having fun. Starting to and continuing to explore yourself is a way to tap into how you can do that. Beginning to know what you enjoy is how you bring more of those moments into your life. By creating this list and referring to it, you’re signalling to your brain to slow down and notice what you like, so that you can add more of those moments into your life.

Next time you feel like you need a boost, refer to your “Things you like” list and remember the badass person that you are.





Self-Soothing After a Breakup


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