I Just Can’t F***ing Sleep!

Photo by DannyG on Unsplash

When we can’t sleep, everything else feels way worse. Our bodies are on edge, so we are on edge. Stuff that doesn’t normally bother you starts to bother you a lot.

So, what can you even do about it? Well, there are a lot of things that can help you sleep better, but you have to be willing to actually try them. That can be annoying, especially when you’re already in a bad mood, you know, from not sleeping. So, I made this blog post to help you get started.

Here are five things you can try to improve your sleep.

  1. Set aside time to wind down.

Setting aside time to wind down in the evening can be so helpful for a relaxing sleep. Maybe have a warm beverage, put on your pajamas, listen to a podcast or audiobook (maybe not one about true crime though :p), have a warm bath or shower, listen to relaxing music, try a meditation, try some diaphragmatic “belly” breathing, use some essential oils, read a book. Really, you can do anything that feels relaxing. You are signalling to your body and your mind “Hey, it’s time to relax now” to help put you in sleep mode.

2. During the day movement.

Getting in some movement or exercise during the day can help you sleep. A lot of us aren’t moving very much during the day (maybe you had a Netflix day or work at a computer). And our bodies don’t have a chance to expel some of that energy. Plus, we usually feel better if we get some movement in. So, go for a walk, take that yoga class, or lift those weights. Whatever kind of movement sounds appealing to you, do that.

3. Honestly, drink the tea.

For some people, tea can be very calming and relaxing. It can really get you into that “sleepy mood”. Everyone is different, but try some out and see if one works for you. There is something about having a warm drink that makes you feel cozy and relaxed. Some to try are: lavender camomile or ginger turmeric.

4. Try writing it down.

Okay, so you’ve wound down, you’re lying in bed, you listened to some relaxing music, but your brain is just going on a rampage. You are thinking about a million things, a million lists. Maybe you are having full-on imaginary conversations with other people, when you would rather be sleeping. Does that sound familiar?

If that starts happening, get up, leave your bedroom, and go write it down. You can write it out or type it out. Sometimes writing it down helps us get it out of our heads, which is important so we can sleep! Also, leaving your bedroom can be helpful, so that you don’t associate “not being able to fall asleep” with your bed.

5. Get up and clean.

If you are still having trouble falling asleep, after lying in bed for half an hour, get up and go clean something in another room. Sometimes doing a small task can help tire us out and get us back into sleep mode. Also, it can signal to our brains that the bed is for sleeping, and um other fun stuff, so if we leave the room when we can’t sleep, it can help.

Not getting enough sleep is stressful! It can lead to feeling irritated about other things that might not otherwise be a big deal. It’s important to set aside time to wind down and actually try new techniques if you’re having a hard time sleeping. If you’re still having a hard time, it might be helpful to consider other resources to get you better sleep. Some to consider are: therapy to process your feelings and learn new sleep strategies, seeing a doctor, seeing a naturopath, taking a breath-work or meditation class, yoga. After all, sleep is pretty important.




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