Romancing Yourself

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

We often get caught up in the idea of waiting for someone to come along and make our lives magical, make it romantic. “If only I had someone to do fun activities with”. But the truth is that learning to have fun by yourself is a fricken game changer. I’m not saying you can’t also want to do stuff with someone else, but slowly starting to do stuff by yourself is huge.

Slowing down and saying, “Hey, what are little things I can do to make myself happy? To have fun. To do something new,” so you’re not just waiting around—you’re creating those magical little moments.

Stop waiting around and try some activities.

What are some super fun things that you can do?! Maybe it’s learning to skate, trying new recipes, taking a dance class, going snowshoeing, blasting music in your headphones and dancing around your kitchen in your underwear. Maybe it’s dressing up and taking selfies. Maybe it’s lighting candles, listening to music, and actually using your favourite vibrator…or slowing down and giving yourself a massage :p. Maybe it’s signing up for a new activity (ahem, basketball). Maybe it’s painting your room and making it feel more like you. Maybe it’s getting into photography, learning about astrology, getting really into birds. Who knows, the sky is the limit.

Just practice beleiving in yourself.

There’s so much you can do by yourself. Just practice believing in yourself. That’s all it is: practice. I think we get caught up in the “oh, but I have to be perfect at it,” or “I don’t want to look silly,” but the truth is that no one is perfect at anything, not at the beginning anyway. And what’s more silly: staying in the same shitty place because we are scared or slowly building that confidence to be ourselves? Take the time to find activities that actually feel fulfilling, that feel fun, learn to be your own friend, and love who you fricken are.



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